I will be posting regularly on life in Montserrat. Have you heard of Montserrat? Have you ever visited?
It's a tiny island in the Caribbean, right between Antigua and Guadeloupe. You probably won't find it on your map. That's why most of us just love being here.
My husband and I have lived here for nearly twenty years. We built our home (that will be another story....soon come) and lived here full time until 1997 ... and the volcano. Then we came back and spent about six and a half months here every year, leaving for the hurricane season.
Although I will be able to give you some great tips on living in Montserrat (in your own villa), I will ask others who live here to share their feelings and experiences with you. All in all, most of us think Montserrat is one of the greatest places ...despite the volcano. Yes, we have a volcano that does -- at times -- make itself heard and smelled (think rotten eggs).
Take a quick look at our home in Montserrat . I will let you know what some of our visitors are saying. One comment about this villa, made by two people on two separate occasions is: "What is there not to love?"
If you have any questions about Montserrat -- just let me know, and I will try to get the information out to you.
Come back and visit a while :)
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