Saturday, January 27, 2007
Montserrat on Google Earth

Friday, January 26, 2007
It seems that yesterday's blog (dated Thursday, January 25, 2007) was read by a few as a current experience. My mistake...Blogs are automatically dated by the software and I don't even know if there is a way to change that.
The description of our arrival was drawn from our website. I was told that it is an "over-sell"-- that what I describe sounds too good to be true. Since the person making this comment knows a whole lot more about sales than I do....I took his advice and removed the description from the website.
However, I described our experience and our feelings upon arriving "back home" at the end of October, 2005. It may not have a place on the website but I thought it could have a place on this more personal blog.
More ways In and OUT
The Government of Montserrat is holding discussions with Caribbean Helicopters of Antigua about the expansion of its service to the island.
Chief Minister the Honourable Dr. Lowell Lewis had a meeting with the operators in Antigua to discuss the proposals put forward. Caribbean Helicopters operate out of Antigua Barbuda offering flyover tours of Montserrat to cruise ship passengers and visitors to Antigua & Barbuda. It has also been providing monitoring flights for scientists at the Montserrat Volcano Observatory.
Caribbean Helicopters also have the capability to provide MEDIVAC services for Montserrat from their base in Jolly Harbour in Antigua, which may be needed from time to time for medical emergencies.
The Honourable Chief Minister Dr. Lowell Lewis explained: “Caribbean Helicopters wish to expand their current services to Montserrat, thereby adding to tourism growth and economic activity on the island. They wish to do so by offering day tour itineraries which would see them landing in Montserrat with visitors from Antigua and also conducting day trip tours to Antigua from Montserrat. The proposed expansion of Caribbean Helicopters’ services to Montserrat also comes at an opportune time with World Cup cricket being around the corner and an increasing number of cruise calls being made in Antigua.”
Discussions are continuing between the Government of Montserrat and Bosses from Caribbean Helicopters to firm up the proposal for their service expansion to Montserrat.
Comments from Anne-Marie:
Regular helicopter access (like we used to have before the new airport was completed) would increase the number of available air services to FOUR. All to the good, making day-trips into Antigua from Montserrat more convenient. Antigua has all the shopping and services while Montserrat has the quiet.
I remember when some of us used to charter a flight to Guadeloupe for a fantastic food shopping experience. The best cheeses, wines, breads...and we filled our freezers. Sounds like this might be possible again.
For more news from Montserrat, go to the Government Information Unit website.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
When we arrived to our Private Paradise.
The following description and photos are of our own, very personal experience of arrival in Montserrat and back in our home. For us, this was most definitely our private paradise.
Your experience will probably differ -- not all plants are in bloom at all times and not all fruits are on the trees. Take your time, explore and find your own private paradise!
We arrive at our new Montserrat airport -- our favorite way is by chartered plane on a brief 15 minute flight from Antigua's international airport. Our friendly taxi driver is waiting for us and drives us from the North of Montserrat to the lush area called Woodlands...the area in which our secluded villa is located at the foot of a rain forest.
We drove down from the main road, just a short way, toward the blue, blue Caribbean and stopped in front of a red gate. It was open and we knew we were home. A short drive up a small hill to a wide, covered and tiled carport where our luggage is unloaded.

To our right the variegated bougainvilla reach out to welcome us and our small banana grove promises the delights of our own fruits for breakfast (or maybe a sinful banana flambé?). These bananas were planted by Bill -- the flowers are my responsibility.
The path to our front door is lined by palm trees, ginger plants, haleconias, ferns, and a multitude of other plants that used to be new to us - now they are familiar friends. We walk into our house and there it is: the breathtaking views of the Caribbean that never cease to amaze us, and neighbouring islands visible on a clear day.
Our housekeeper knows what we want and there is food in the refrigerator, lounging chairs are out by the pool, our home is ready for us. This is so much better than the best hotel.
We have great views from virtually every room. Our 36’ x 30’ great room with a 14’ cathedral ceiling lets the breeze come through.
Perched near the top of a hill, we don't see another soul! We relax...and even before we unpack we walk around the garden, checking for ripe mangoes, picking a few limes for a refreshing lime drink and some fresh flowers for our first night home.
Our private pool shimmers in the sunlight... we hang up the hammocks, take a quick dip (yes, it's private enough for skinny dipping) and enjoy the wonderful peace and quiet.
Our bedroom is just up a few steps from the living room and is the next thing to sleeping under the stars. We luxuriate in our four poster queen size bed as we watch spectacular sunsets or the full moon turn a ripe orange or just listen to the sound of surf from nearby Woodlands beach.
Check out our website for more pictures and a video of our home.