As part of its efforts to improve the tourist product, the Montserrat Tourist Board (MTB) is preparing to embark on a general clean up of Little Bay, Carrs Bay and Lime Kiln Beach.
The clean up will include among other things:
- Pruning of Trees
- Removal of garbage, debris and acacia trees
- Planting of coconut palms and Oleander plants
- Installing of garbage bins
The Tourist Board is asking everyone to be mindful of the efforts being made to rid the beaches of unsightly garbage and to make them more attractive. Your support is needed in helping to keep the beaches clean. Please be responsible for your own garbage and use the bins provided at all times.
“As we have been forced to live in a smaller portion of the island, this is a time more than ever when me must be mindful of our environment and how it is kept. The beaches are a small part of the whole, which we are encouraging everyone to keep clean. Your support can help to control the many unwanted pests – rats, mosquitoes, cockroaches among others- which have become so prevalent in our society”, comments Ernestine Cassell, Director of Tourism.
During our Tourism Awareness Launch in 2005, Ms. Yasmin White prepared a very appropriate poem, Cleanliness is Next to Godliness, to reflect the pride and the need for keeping the island clean; in repeating one of the verses from this poem we hope this will help to cement what the Montserrat Tourist Board is trying to achieve.
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness”,
That’s what this emerald symbolises:
So, Mon’srat, for ever loved and bless’Sparkles clean, green – a recipe for progress.
Beauty frames her verdant complexion,
While she transcends her former appearance.
Litter free, what a glorious heritage!
Cleanliness is next to Godliness!”